Okay, so I have been bad about keeping this updated with campaign information. My Dark Sun game has turned into in an exercise akin to herding cats. Which to be honest is something that I really love about running more intrigue based games, but it does make blogging about it a bit of a hassle ;p
So instead I want to raise something that have recently really impressed me about this community of ours. The internet has done wonderful things to bring various players, gms, deck builders and other creative people together in support of their hobby. A quick [search engine of your choice] search will bring up user created content for most any game you play.
What I am really impressed by is how the companies that we "support" have taken to this. I've recently e-mailed a popular boardgame company with regards to some promos that was available for one of their games, and even though these same promos were available to buy in their online store I was sent the package and all they asked in return was that I mention to my FLGS that they will be giving away more promos at a later date. They even keep a strong presence on Boardgame Geek to answer questions even though they have their own forums.
A player from my group submitted a system question with regards to a game we were playing. Not only did he receive an actual useful answer to his question, but that answer came from one of the actual game designers instead of someone with some standard responses.
As a last example, I like collecting stuff, I like having complete collections of the games that I like. I came into one of my other games a bit late so I was missing some of the free adventures/modules that was released. I was very rude and e-mailed someone in that company that I have been following on RSS. Even though that person most likely won't be able to find me the adventures I did receive a very friendly reply telling me that they will see what they can do.
I would like to say a very big thankyou to all the companies that give us as players good service and support. The internet has definitely brought your product to more people and have exposed more people to the actual people behind your games beyond the few that would have met people at cons before that.
For the most part the public face of these companies are friendly open and approachable.
Thanks! =D
Next post I'll be back to detailing my Dark Sun run, but instead of doing it session for session I'll detail some of the characters and bounce around some ideas I have for them with regards to the main plot and side quests.
See you soon!
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